Tuesday, October 13, 2009

airport attire

if only all of us couse look this glamorous while in the airport waiting hours for our delayed flights.

street style

After that last depressing post i believe i owe you something interesting. so let's discuss my latest obsession; celebrity street style. In fact not only celebtrities but just street style in general facinates me. it's not life the ball gowns and red carpet attire, it's something real. Like an art i can't stop until i master.

i'm sick of this mess,

im ready to start new, a clean slate anywhere but here. I'm ready for my high school years to be up already, and move onto somewhere new. somewhere with freedom. where i don't have to lie and sneak around to get what i want. somewhere with real people who actually have lives that dont revolve around drugs and parties. real people who have hopes and dreams. people similar to me, people who like fashion, people who like photography, people who like modeling. just someone real! i really dont know what i want in my life but i know this lifestyle is not for me, so im gonna make a change im not sure how yet but it's gonna happen.