Monday, December 21, 2009

Taylor Swift goes High Fashion

I personally think she looks amazing, although its not HER at all. It's the complete opposite from a sweet innocent all american country pop star. Which is probably not the best idea considering thats the look america fell in love with but we'll see what happens.

The bottom picture reminds me of a rag doll.

Monday, December 14, 2009


i hate school, i find it utterly pointless. im starting to also despise everyone who does good in school. Cause I don't. especially not in math. in fact im failing with a forty percent and my parents are good kill me. goodbye lookbook. goodbye email. goodbye myspace. goodbye friends. goodbye any fragment of a life i once had! Cause once they find out its all gone. i just wanna cover my eyes and pretend everything is fine. but its not only my grades its my whole life. Two of my bestfriends just dropped out of school. my other friend got caught with drugs and is grounded forever. I just want to cover my eyes and fastforward to the end of senior year. Kus i can't take this.

Friday, December 11, 2009


It's amazing what a couple little bottles of nail polish can do for you!

I just discovered art deco, the most amazing nail polish ever if your into doing designs! As soon as I discovered it, I bought one in nearly every color. If someone as uncordinated as me is capable of these amazing designs i think pretty much anyone can do it. So my misson for today was to find the most trippy,, amazng designs and attempt them, here were my discoveries:

This last one with the shoe laces was my favorite, i havent attempted it yet but i'm sure it cant be too hard, right? wish me luck.