Monday, December 14, 2009


i hate school, i find it utterly pointless. im starting to also despise everyone who does good in school. Cause I don't. especially not in math. in fact im failing with a forty percent and my parents are good kill me. goodbye lookbook. goodbye email. goodbye myspace. goodbye friends. goodbye any fragment of a life i once had! Cause once they find out its all gone. i just wanna cover my eyes and pretend everything is fine. but its not only my grades its my whole life. Two of my bestfriends just dropped out of school. my other friend got caught with drugs and is grounded forever. I just want to cover my eyes and fastforward to the end of senior year. Kus i can't take this.


  1. Wow I feel the same way! I'm actually in school right now ):

    Highschool has to end soon cause it is pointless, boring, and ridiculous! Everyone in my school is so generic it makes me wanna vomit.

    But don't despair, your not the only one who feels that way - it's a mutual understanding.

  2. haha, yes yes. im glad someone understands. sometimes it feels like no one does. Everyone looks the same, acts the same, follows everyone else, its irritating as hell. doesit hurt to be a bit...oh i dont know original, or unique? haha, i cant wait til college hopefully its better then this.
